Wheelchair Gladiators 5

In 1995 Wheelchair Gladiators was born. Originally on the Amiga computer. The Amiga version saw 2 more releases.
The game is a 4 player arena based fighting game over a number of rounds with the first to win 3 being the winner.
Weapons and power ups are available to aid you as well as being able to fight with fists if required.
Version 4 was developed on the PC. This saw many gameplay improvements but was never released.
Its been many years in the making but finally, Wheelchair Gladiators 5 is here, with a ton of improvements over the previous versions.
The weapons and powerups are now thrown intro the play area rather than just appearing randomly.
Double punch and 2 handed weapons. You can now hold both punch buttons to double punch and with some weapons double strike.
More weapons, including breakable items and double handed weapons. Weapons generally last for 30 seconds, breakable weapons last indefinitely until they break. Also added animated extendable weapons with longer reach or wider arc.
Power ups. Extra health and improved turn ability of your chair. Also the 'Big Shoes' give you better ram ability.
Crown and sunglasses give you better protection against attacks.
More players. 8 player levels now available with 4 extra CPU players for more carnage.